Window Vinyl
Perforated Window Vinyl has a perforated 50% printable area and 50% open area. It can be printed on one side and a clear, unobstructed view from the other side. One-View window signs are perfect for advertising on store windows or vehicle windows.
The one-view window signs are good for indoor or outdoor use, are waterproof and UV safe that will last for years. Perforated Window Vinyl single side no lamination no thickness This should be with H and W boxes so the client can enter the custom size they want and have the program auto calculate the price based on the sq ft price.
File Requirements: We do not offer design or set-up. You must send your file ready to print in the correct size and orientation you are ordering. Resolution should be 150dpi or higher. File formats accepted jpg, pdf, png.
Please visit our design and set-up help center. Please do not send screenshots from your cellphone as the file for your order. Low resolution files and screenshots will be rejected.